Engagement de GCB entant que Chef de File dans la réalisation du projet de la Desserte Ferroviaire Ain-Beida F’Kirina.

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Le siège de notre entreprise a accueilli en date du 20 Juillet 2022, un événement singulier qui est tout à son honneur, en accueillant le conclave de cinq entreprises GCB, INFRAFER, SNTP, ENGOA et SEROR, représentées par leurs Présidents-Directeurs Généraux et leurs top-management. Cette rencontre consacrée à l’assemblée plénière qui a entériné l’installation officielle du… Read more »

Celebration of 08th march international woman’s day

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At the occasion of the 8th March, international woman’s day, a ceremony in honor of women employees was organized this Tuesday 8th March 2016 in the General Direction of Boumerdès. In presence of the women working at the Head Office, Mr BENDJEBBA Abdelghani Chief Executive Chairman has insisted in his speech on the role of… Read more »

The festivities of 60th anniversary of the creation of UGTA and the 45th anniversary of the nationalization of hydrocarbons

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At the occasion of the double anniversary, the creation of the UGTA and the nationalization of hydrocarbons, GCB has celebrated the event on 24th February in the province of Msila. During this double anniversary, a conference took place in the hotel Kalaa Msila, in presence of workers representatives and officials from GCB. Mr Abdelghani BENDJEBBA… Read more »

Opening of the new headquarters of the Direction of equipment

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13th January 2016, Mr BENDJEBBA Abdelghani opens the new headquarters of the Direction of Equipment.The official opening ceremony of the new headquarters was held in the presence of Mr Abdelkrim SELMANE, General Secretary of the National Union and President of the Committee of Participation joined with the retired Union activists of the Direction MTL.Mr Mohamed… Read more »

The new headquarter of the direction DRO in Arzew. A beautiful architecture in the heart of an industrial zone

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The new headquarter of the Direction DRO was opened on December 23rd,2015 by the Chief Executive Chairman Mr BENDJEBBA Abdelghani. Mr Mohamed BELARBI, took part in the opening of the headquarter DRO as a guest of honor. He was the first regional manager of the West. Also present in this opening Mr MADANI Houari, regional… Read more »