Dedicated to delocalize and protect the population and implement a new and safer urban and energetic pole , Mr Salah KHEBRI the Energy Secretary has visited yesterday, August 1st ,2015, the project of the new city, accompanied by Mr Amine MAZOUZI CEC of Sonatrach , and Mr BENDJEBBA Abdelghani CEC of GCB and the wali of the province of Ouargla.
The realization of the project of the new city of Hassi Messoud is maintained, has affirmed the energy secretary , Mr Salah Khebri, adding that the work of servicing of this future energetic pole are in the final stage.
Actually, the work of servicing has reached its final stage, added the secretary, however the servicing work is expected to be achieved before the end of 2016.
The future city, which can accommodate 80.000 inhabitants, will be opened in 2020, it’s situated in the area of Oued El-Maraa, founded on an urban platform of 2.044 ha, a future extension of 1.161 ha is planned, an existing green zone of 313 ha and a logistical activity zone of 965 ha, according to the statement of this megaproject responsibles.
The first stage of the project, developing the layout of the site and the servicing, was awarded to a group of public companies that includes GCB.